Male Potency
The fact is that different genders have different dominating brain hemispheres: women perceive the world by means of pictures or images, which represent the right brain hemisphere, while men perceive the world by means of symbols or numbers, represented by the left brain hemisphere. A man, who is able to change his numbers into her pictures, is the one who has the real male strength. Usually we define the male potency by the level of male hormones androgens, especially the most important one of them - testosterone. The testosterone macho will have bigger muscles, higher temper, and tougher character. Nevertheless, such men are not always successful in life, including success with women.
What can weaken a man's strength? First, and most importantly - irregular sexual life, especially after 30 years. Like all other organs, sex also need "training." Popular theory that abstinence improves potency, proved to be false. Numerous studies scientists have shown that regular sex not only improve the quality of sperm and increase their number, but also improve potency.

The second, equally important factor influencing the virility - repeated sexually transmitted infections (STIs). And although today with antibiotics and a new generation of gonorrhea, and syphilis can be cured within a week potency "bad" disease usually lower.

Another adverse factor - insufficiently treated or improperly-treated diseases of male genital organs: urethritis, prostatitis, vesicles, orchiepididymitis, orchitis, etc. The remaining causes of the deterioration in descending order of potency arranged like this:

• coronary heart disease;
• endocrine disorders;
• diabetes;
prostatic hyperplasia (adenoma);
• neuropsychiatric diseases;
• use of certain drugs;
• drugs, tobacco, alcohol;
• sedentary lifestyle, which leads to stagnation of blood in the veins of the pelvic organs;
• stress;
• poor environment;
• unhealthy diet;
• bad sleep habit.

Spontaneous erections becoming less common (get an erection just thinking about sex or looking at their sexual partner, it is becoming more difficult)
Premature ejaculation.
• Erect penis is not so hard.
• Need for substantially reduced orgasm.
• Sexual intercourse is prolonged.
• Lengthen the intervals between sexual acts.
In men over 40 penis needs more prolonged stimulation does not reach the same hardness and easier loses erection. In general, the whole process becomes less predictable and stable. Again, excessive anxiety about erection just a negative impact on the very potency